;Rel. Thelemic ;For a syntax description see PTBSync Help! ;If you find an error please contact: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com LANGUAGE=UTF8 COMMENT=Updated September 23, 2007 \nThelemic calendar see: Cal. Thelemic 20.3. =Thelemic, Feast Supreme Ritual (#1904 year ago) ;Note=anniversary of the beginning of the Aeon of Horus 20.3. =Thelemic, Equinox of the Gods (Vernal Equinox, ± 1 day, Thelemic New Year) ;Note={d} 08.4. =Thelemic, Writing of the Book of the Law, chapter 1 (#1904 year ago) ;Note=1904, received the 1st chapter of The Book of the Law {d} 09.4. =Thelemic, Writing of the Book of the Law, chapter 2 (#1904 year ago) ;Note=1904, received the 2nd chapter of The Book of the Law {d} 10.4. =Thelemic, Writing of the Book of the Law, chapter 3 (#1904 year ago) ;Note=1904, received the 3th chapter of The Book of the Law {d} 28.2.+113Dy =Thelemic, Rituals of the Elements and Feasts of the Times (Northern solstice, ± 1 day) ;Note=, June 21 (20 June on leap years) {d-06-21} 12.8. =Thelemic, Feast first Night of the Prophet and His Bride (#1903 year ago) ;Note=Aleister Crowley married to his first wife, Rose Kelly, 1903 {d} 23.9. =Thelemic, Rituals of the Elements and Feasts of the Times (Autumnal equinox, ± 1 day) ;Note={d} 12.10. =Thelemic, Crowleymas (#1875 year ago) ;Note=anniversary of Aleister Crowley's birth, 1875 {d} 18.11. =Thelemic, Perdurabo Day ;Note=first initiation of the Prophet 01.12. =Thelemic, Crowley's Greater Feast (#1947 year ago) ;Note=death of Aleister Crowley, 1947 22.12. =Thelemic, Rituals of the Elements and Feasts of the Times (Southern solstice ± 1 day) ;Note={d} ;These entries were added by: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com - http://users.telenet.be/wdew/ ;The abbreviations {d} {m} {e} {y} ... are explained on http://users.telenet.be/wdew/Basis%20PTB/BasisEN.htm ;http://oto-usa.org/calendar.html